Characterization of light metal alloys during additive manufacturing via fast scanning calorimetry

  • Cameron Quick (Redner)

Aktivität: Gespräch oder VortragMündliche Präsentation


Additive manufacturing like selective laser melting applies high heating and cooling rates during alloy processing, and such thermal cycles can be mimicked via fast scanning calorimetry. Here the potential for specific heat capacity (cp) measurements via fast scanning calorimetry are explored, with a focus on correcting measured heat flow by accounting for temperature dependent heat losses. Using MultiSTAR-UFH1 sensors with the Mettler-Toledo Flash-DSC 2+, cp of pure aluminium and several well-established aluminium alloys was measured in dependence of the sample mass and scanning rate, which ranges from hundreds to tens of thousands K s-1. Correction methods are shown and compared to cp results without corrections. Moreover, the capability of the method for preparation of samples with well-defined high rate thermal histories for microstructural investigation is discussed. The results are assessed by comparison to the literature. The arguments and procedures of the shown methods are also applicable to other alloys for additive manufacturing.
Zeitraum4 Nov. 20197 Nov. 2019
EreignistitelLightMAT 2019
OrtManchester, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes KönigreichAuf Karte anzeigen