Development of a Generic Framework to Assess Asset Management Maturity within Organisations

  • Hans Maier (Redner)

Aktivität: Gespräch oder VortragMündliche Präsentation


With the comprehensive Lean Smart Maintenance philosophy and its associated maturity model, organisations were given a tool to reach asset and maintenance excellence. This paper discusses the approach used to transfer the scientifically based methods and concepts of the Lean Smart Maintenance Maturity Model into an assessment structure to generate a generic tool to collect the complete and correct information necessary to determine an organisation's maturity level. Research results show that a standardised assessment process combined with continuous improvement cycles, a more accurate assessment of the company's maturity is possible. A well-structured MM assessment supports less experienced assessors whereby experienced assessors will not need a full questionnaire but only a well-structured list of items and their maturity levels.
Zeitraum8 Sept. 2021
EreignistitelMOTSP 2021 International Scientific Conference: Management of Technology Step to Sustainable Production
OrtPorec/Parenzo, KroatienAuf Karte anzeigen