UNDP – EU for Civil Protection and Disaster Resilience Strengthening in the Republic of Serbia, appointed for the DRR Strategy Development DRM Consultant (expert), 2022, Duty Station – Homebased.

Aktivität: Beratende Tätigkeit


Purpose: to provide expertise in the disaster risk management area in the development of Ex-Ante Analysis for the new Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management for the period 2022-2027 (the Strategy), and drafting of the Strategy. Objective: to support the implementation of the EU for Civil Protection and Disaster Resilience Strengthening in the Republic of Serbia Project. Scope of works: more specifically, under the direct supervision of UNDP Project Manager, collaboration with DRR Strategy Development Consultant, and close cooperation with Sector for Emergency Management of the MoI (SEM) and the Sector for International Cooperation, EU Affairs and Planning of the Ministry of Interior (SICEAP), and consultations with the members of the Special Working Group (SWG), he performed the following tasks divided in two phases: Phase I: Ex-Ante Analysis for the new Strategy and Phase II: Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management for the period 2022-2027.
Arbeit fürUNDP - United Nations, Europa