Alkali Metal-Modified Vanadium-Phosphorus Oxide (VPO) Catalyst

Thomas Cotter (Erfinder), Andreas Reitzmann (Erfinder), Gerhard Mestl (Erfinder), Gabriele Donabauer (Erfinder), Susanne Roehrer (Erfinder), Thomas Cotter (Erfinder), Andreas Reitzmann (Erfinder), Gerhard Mestl (Erfinder), Gabriele Donabauer (Erfinder), Susanne Roehrer (Erfinder)

Publikation: PatentPatentschrift


The present invention relates to a catalyst containing a vanadium-phosphorus oxide and an alkali metal, wherein the proportion by weight of alkali metal in the vanadium-phosphorus oxide is in the range from 10 to 400 ppm, based on the total weight of the vanadium-phosphorus oxide, a process for producing it and also the use of the catalyst for the gas-phase oxidation of hydrocarbons, in particular for preparing maleic anhydride.

IPCC07D 307/ 60 A I
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 8 Okt. 2015

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