Application of Decline Curve Analysis for Estimating Different Properties of Closed Fractured Reservoirs for Vertical

Amin Daryasafar, Mohammad Fathi Nasab, Giovanni Da Prat, Riyaz Kharrat

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungBegutachtung


In this paper, decline curve analysis is used for estimating different parameters of bounded naturally fractured reservoirs. This analysis technique is based on rate transient technique, and it is shown that if production rate is plotted against time on a semi-log graph, straight lines are obtained that can be used to determine important parameters of the closed fractured reservoirs. The equations are based on Warren and Root model. The comparison between the results of this technique and those of the conventional methods confirms its high proficiency in transient well testing. It should be noted that in conventional decline curve methods, parameters such as interporosity flow parameter and storage capacity ratio must be first obtained by previous methods like the build-up analysis, but in the proposed method all the main reservoir parameters can be calculated directly, which is one of the advantages of this method. This paper focuses on the interpretation of rate tests, and the starting points and slopes of straight lines are utilized with proper equations to solve directly for various properties. The main important aspect of the presented method is its accuracy since analytical solutions are used for calculating reservoir parameters
Seiten (von - bis)61-80
Fachzeitschrift Iranian journal of oil & gas science and technology
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Apr. 2020

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