Finite element modelling of refractories fracture process zone with gradient enhanced damage models

Zain Ali, Shengli Jin, Dietmar Gruber

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungBegutachtung


This study investigates the numerical simulation of fracture behaviour in quasi-brittle materials like magnesia spinel refractories using the Gradient-Enhanced Damage (GED) model. It focuses on the complex modelling of these materials non-linear responses and compares conventional and variant GED models through a wedge splitting test. The results demonstrate that all GED models show a good fit to experimental data. However, the conventional GED model falls short in accurately depicting the fracture process zone. In contrast, the localizing GED model more accurately represents the fracture process zone, limiting spurious damage distribution, but requires finer meshing, elevating computational demands. The stress-based variant reduces spurious damage but is less effective comparatively. The study also assesses the role of heterogeneous strength distribution in replicating realistic crack patterns as observed in experiments.
FachzeitschriftFinite elements in analysis and design
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 21 März 2024

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