Initial Stage of para-Hexaphenyl Thin-Film Growth Controlled by the Step Structure of the Ion-Beam-Modified TiO2(110) Surface

Konrad Szajna, Markus Kratzer, W. Belza, Antoine Hinaut, Dominik Wrana, Thilo Glatzel, Christian Teichert, Franciszek Krok

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungBegutachtung

1 Zitat (Scopus)


Organic electronics require a precise control over properties of a molecule-substrate interface as well as film growth morphology, from both fundamental points of view, when a clean vacuum environment is needed and also under ambient air conditions. In this paper, we present submonolayer molecular films of para-hexaphenyl (6P) formation on the rutile TiO 2(110) substrates and ways of affecting the growth and morphology via ion-beam nanopatterning. Ultrahigh vacuum deposition and measurements are followed by the film evolution study upon air exposure. Strongly anisotropic TiO 2(110) surfaces, in the form of terraced ripples with a preserved (1 × 1) structure, were controllably fabricated utilizing ion-beam bombardment and characterized by means of high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy and low-energy electron diffraction. 6P thin films were prepared using organic molecular beam epitaxy and characterized in situ by noncontact atomic force microscopy. Ex situ characterization was performed by tapping-mode atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and noncontact atomic force microscopy with molecular resolution. We have demonstrated that by changing the size of locally preserved (1 × 1) surface areas, determined by the ripple parameters, different 6P assemblies can be promoted. With the shrinking size of the uninterrupted (1 × 1) terminated areas, 6P changes its growth morphology from needlelike to islandlike accompanied by a reorientation of the molecules from flat-lying to upright-standing. The resulting morphology depends on the structure of a two-dimensional phase of lying molecules formed at the initial stage of deposition, which can be either a well-ordered wetting layer or a two-dimensional mobile lattice gas. The postgrowth remainders of these two-dimensional phases participate in additional nucleation processes forming small islands or clusters.

Seiten (von - bis)20257-20269
FachzeitschriftJournal of physical chemistry C (C, Nanomaterials and interfaces)
PublikationsstatusElektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung. - 29 Juli 2019

Bibliographische Notiz

Funding Information:
Support by the Polish National Science Center (UMO-2015/19/B/ST5/01841 and UMO-2016/21/N/ST5/01305) is acknowledged. We further acknowledge support by the Austrian Academic Exchange Service (OeAD) via the Project PL 06/2016, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI), and the University of Basel. In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to A. Budkowski and J. Rysz for providing access to their AFM equipment.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 American Chemical Society.

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