Molasse re-use potentials, based on the outcome of the "Mining the Future" international, challenge-based competition

Elisabeth Hauzinger, Daniel Schneider, Robert Galler, Luisa Ulrici, Johannes Gutleber, Panagiotis Charitos

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandSonstiger BeitragForschung


In the framework of the Future Circular Collider Innovation Study (FCCIS), CERN launched in 2021 the international challenge-based competition ”Mining the Future[R]” to identify feasible and innovative pathways for the large scale re-use of molasse, the material that is expected to be encountered during the Future Circular Collider (FCC) construction phase. At our best knowledge, no industrial reuse process is established on the market for this material, composed of marls and sandstones with variable geotechnical characteristics. This deliverable provides an overview of the outcome of the competition with a summary of the 12 submitted proposals, an evaluation of the level of readiness of the four finalist’s proposals and an overview of the possible application within the strategy for the management of the excavated materials. It has to be underlined that this document is part, but not constitute the entirety, of the excavated material management concept, that will be object of a seperate deliverable of the FCCIS study.
TitelWP3 Deliverable: FCCIS Mid-term Report 2023
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 18 Aug. 2023


  • Tunnelausbruchmaterial
  • Wiederverwendung
  • Deponierung
  • Sekundäre Baurohstoffe

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