Operando Spatial and Temporal Tracking of Axial Stresses and Interfaces in Solid-state Batteries

Simon Mičky, Erik Šimon, Juraj Todt, Karol Végsö, Peter Nádaždy, Peter Krížik, Eva Majková, Jozef Keckes, Ju Li, Peter Siffalovic

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschungBegutachtung

PublikationsstatusAngenommen/In Druck - 2023

Bibliographische Notiz

Funding Information:
The authors acknowledge the financial support of projects APVV‐20‐0111, APVV‐19‐0461, APVV‐22‐0132, and VEGA 2/0124/23. This work was performed during the implementation of the project Building‐up Centre for Advanced Materials Application of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, ITMS project code 313021T081, supported by the Research & Innovation Operational Programmed funded by the ERDF. The authors also acknowledge the support of SOLIMEC project (M‐ERA.NET) and MISTI's Global Seed Funds provided by MIT. The authors acknowledge DESY (Hamburg, Germany), a member of the Helmholtz Association HGF, for the provision of experimental facilities. Parts of this research were carried out at PETRA III and the authors would like to thank Dr. Norbert Schell for assistance in using the P07b beamline. J.K. and J.T. gratefully acknowledges the financial support under the scope of the COMET program within the K2 Center “Integrated Computational Material, Process and Product Engineering (IC‐MPPE)” (Project No 886385) of Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH. A part of this work was funded by the Austrian Federal Government within the COMET research project ASSESS. This work was supported by Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG, project number 895414), through the transnational M‐ERA.NET project “Solimec”. This work was funded from the European Unions's Horizon Europe reserach and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101103834 (OPERA).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH.

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