The Need for an Accuracy Check of Irradiation Sensors for Photovoltaic Power Plants

Wolfgang Muehleisen, Lukas Neumaier, F. Taverna, Markus Makula, B. Streit, Christopher Gradwohl, Moritz Graefe, Moritz Graefe, J. Kosel, Christina Hirschl

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPaper


Operation and maintenance companies, PV plant owners and scientific PV institutes have the challenge to monitor PV installations correctly. When a changed performance ratio is recognized, it is to clarify whether the installation or the sensor is wrong. To be sure that solar irradiation sensors for photovoltaic applications are accurate, a cross-check is applied for four different application cases in the laboratory and in the field. These examples include comparisons between measurement devices like a pyranometer, silicon solar cell irradiation sensors or a photodiode sensor. In the end, guidelines for reliable measurements in the field are provided.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Sept. 2020
VeranstaltungEU PVSEC 2020 -
Dauer: 7 Sept. 202011 Sept. 2020


KonferenzEU PVSEC 2020


  • power plants
  • insolation
  • solar irradiation
  • monitoring
  • operation & maintenance (O&M)
  • pyranometer
  • photodiode sensor
  • silicon solar cell sensor

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