Climate change

  • Arnulf Gruebler (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation Oral presentation


oThis lecture took place in the framework of the online lecture series "The Planetary Boundaries Framework – A Guideline for Engineers about Earth Limitations”.

Ten online lectures of 90 min each in the period from the beginning of October 2021 to January 2022 where organised by the Austrian branch of the International Competence Centre for Mining Engineering Education under the auspices of UNESCO at Montanuniversität Leoben.
It included international experts and lecturers from Austria (MUL, Austrian Forest Research Centre, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), Sweden (Stockholm Resilience Centre), USA (Stanford University, Augsburg University Minneapolis), Germany (Technische Universität Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin) and Greece (Technical University of Crete).

The Number of participants between was around 60 per lecture with over 20 nationalities.
Period19 Oct 2021
Event title"The Planetary Boundaries Framework – A Guideline for Engineers about Earth Limitations" - an online lecture series
Event typeSeminar
Degree of RecognitionInternational