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Spurenelemente in Produkten aus urbanen Gärten
Simone Trimmel (Speaker), Stefan Wagner (contributor), Laura Feiner (contributor), Maria Feiner (contributor), Daniela Haluza (contributor), Rebecca Hood-Nowotny (contributor), Ulrike Pitha (contributor), Thomas Prohaska (contributor), Markus Puschenreiter (contributor), Philipp Spörl (contributor), Andrea Watzinger (contributor), Elisabeth Ziss (contributor) & Johanna Irrgeher (contributor)
18 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Technology-critical Elements in Urban Spheres
Simone Trimmel (Speaker), Philipp Spörl (contributor), Nagi Lashin (contributor), Bernhard Spangl (contributor), Markus Puschenreiter (contributor), Ulrike Pitha (contributor), Thomas Meisel (contributor), Dominik Wiedenhofer (contributor), Daniela Haluza (contributor), Thomas Prohaska (contributor) & Johanna Irrgeher (contributor)
28 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Hugo Bondy (1900-1985): His life and contribution to the development of mass spectrometry in the 20th century
Michael Schober (Speaker), Johanna Irrgeher (contributor) & Thomas Prohaska (contributor)
11 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Ein österreichischer Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Massenspektrometrie im 20. Jahrhundert: Hugo Bondy (1900-1985)
Michael Schober (Speaker), Johanna Irrgeher (contributor) & Thomas Prohaska (contributor)
5 Sept 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Enriched Stable Isotope Tracers in Clinical and Medical Applications
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Torsten W. Berger (Speaker), Markus Klose (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Jan 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
New dimensions of chemical imaging through multi-method combinations: sensitive, selective, spatially and temporally resolved - (invited lecture)
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Christoph Höfer (contributor), Markus Puschenreiter (contributor), Anika Retzmann (contributor), Christina Roschitz (contributor), Jakob Santner (contributor), Stefan Wagner (contributor), Walter W. Wenzel (contributor) & Thomas Prohaska (contributor)
18 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
New dimensions of chemical imaging through multi-method combinations: sensitive, selective, spatially and temporally resolved
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Joamin Gonzales-Gutierrez (Speaker), Johannes Höfler (Speaker), Markus Puschenreiter (Speaker), Anika Retzmann (Speaker), Christina Roschitz (Speaker), Jakob Santner (Speaker), Stefan Wagner (Speaker), Walter Wenzel (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Enriched stable isotope tracers in clinical and medical applications
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Torsten W. Berger (Speaker), Markus Klose (Speaker), Christine Opper (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Herausforderungen bei der Analyse von Multi-Isotopensystemen zur Untersuchung von Ökosystemen
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), Anna Reese (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), M. Wieser (Speaker), Klein (Speaker), U. Kleeberg (Speaker), D. Pröfrock (Speaker) & Fawziah Mohamed (Speaker)
Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Combined analytical approach for spatio-temporal solute imaging of metal degradation dynamics at micrometer scale
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Stefan Wagner (Speaker), Christina Roschitz (Speaker), Jakob Santner (Speaker), Markus Puschenreiter (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Combined analytical approach for spatio-temporal solute imaging of metal degradation dynamics at micrometer scale
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Stefan Wagner (Speaker), Christina Roschitz (Speaker), Jakob Santner (Speaker), Markus Puschenreiter (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The potential of passive solute imaging techniques to study the spatio-temporal degradation of bioresorbable magnesium implants
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Stefan Wagner (Speaker), Christina Roschitz (Speaker), Jakob Santner (Speaker), Markus Puschenreiter (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Stabile Schwefelisotopenmengenmessungen mittels MC ICP-MS: Metrologische Herausforderungen der Bulk- und Speziesanalytik
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Michael Wieser (contributor), Stephan Hann (contributor), Hedda Drexler (contributor), Ondrej Hanousek (contributor), Kerri Miller (contributor), Jakob Santner (contributor), Michael Schober (contributor), Stefan Wagner (contributor), Aaron K. Wilkins (contributor) & Thomas Prohaska (contributor)
Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Neue Dimensionen der chemischen Bildgebung durch Multimethodenkombinationen: sensitiv, selektiv, räumlich und zeitlich aufgelöst.
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Markus Puschenreiter (Speaker), Anika Retzmann (Speaker), Christina Roschitz (Speaker), Jakob Santner (Speaker), Stefan Wagner (Speaker), Walter Wenzel (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The isotopic challenge: metrological approaches for accurate isotope measurements
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), M. Wieser (Speaker), Fawziah Mohamed (Speaker), Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker), Tristan Zimmermann (Speaker), Anika Retzmann (Speaker) & Anna Reese (Speaker)
Feb 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Technology-critical elements (TCE): Source characterization and assessment of environmental exposure
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), B. Bookhagen (Speaker), Christine Opper (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Feb 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Laser Ablation ICP-MS - (Neue) Anwendungen im Bereich "chemical imaging" - (invited lecture)
Thomas Prohaska (Speaker) & Johanna Irrgeher (contributor)
17 Oct 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Old Dogs New Tricks - Progress in elemental analysis of environmental samples using ICP-MS - Part II: Non-traditional stable isotope analysis
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Anna Reese (Speaker), Tristan Zimmermann (Speaker), Anika Retzmann (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), M. Wieser (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
May 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Old Dogs New Tricks - Progress in elemental analysis of environmental samples using ICP-MS - Part II: Non-traditional stable isotope analysis
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Anna Reese (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), M. E. Wieser (Speaker), Anika Retzmann (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
From source to sink: A multi-isotope approach to investigate riverine inputs into the German North Sea
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Anna Reese (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), M. E. Wieser (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Analytical challenges of origin determination of processed authentic food on the example of sturgeon caviar and aquacultured fish
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
From source to sink: A multi-isotope approach to investigate riverine inputs into the German North Sea
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Anna Reese (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), M. Wieser (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Whence and whither? Potential and Power of Modern Isotopic Analysis for Tracing in Aquatic Ecosystem Research on the example of B, Mo, Sr, Pb, and Ti isotope ratios in the German North Sea Catchment
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker) & Anna Reese (Speaker)
Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
WHENCE AND WHITHER? Potential and Power of Modern Isotopic Analysis for Tracing in Aquatic Ecosystem Research on the example of B, Mo, Sr, Pb, and Ti isotope ratios in the German North Sea Catchment
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), Anna Reese (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Multi-isotope tracers to investigate processes in the Elbe, Weser and Ems river catchment using B, Mo, Sr, and Pb isotope ratios assessed by MC ICP-MS
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Anna Reese (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), M. Wieser (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
May 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Spectral insights: Multi-dimensional approach to evaluate the diagenetic status of skeletal remains with respect to strontium isotope ratio measurements
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Anika Retzmann (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Feb 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Multi-isotope tracers to investigate processes in river catchment systems: Selected application examples using B, Mo, Sr, Pb, and Ti isotope ratios assessed by MC ICP-MS
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Anna Reese (Speaker), Florian Dutschke (Speaker), Anika Retzmann (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), M. E. Wieser (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Feb 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Multi-isotope tracers to investigate processes in river catchment systems: Selected application examples using B, Mo, Sr, Pb, and Ti isotope ratios assessed by MC ICP-MS
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Florian Dutschke (Speaker), Anna Reese (Speaker), Anika Retzmann (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), M. Wieser (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Feb 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Isotopes as tracers in the aquatic environment: Selected applications using Sr, Pb and Ti isotope ratios assessed by MC ICP-MS
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Florian Dutschke (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), U. Kleeberg (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Isotopes as tracers in the aquatic environment: Selected applications using Sr, Pb and Ti isotope ratios assessed by MC ICP-MS
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Florian Dutschke (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), U. Kleeberg (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
From Source to Sink – Elemental and Isotopic Distribution Maps in the German Wadden Sea Catchment
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), U. Kleeberg (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Jun 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Provenance of food by elemental and isotopic fingerprinting – fighting fraud with analytical science
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Christine Opper (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
Jun 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Tracing of Nutrients and Pollutants in the German Wadden Sea Catchment via the Establishment of Aquatic Isoscapes
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), U. Kleeberg (Speaker), Burghard Erbslöh (Speaker), Tristan Zimmermann (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Feb 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Isotopes as indicators of the past
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
Jan 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Isotopic Tracer Tools for nutrients and pollutants in the Marine Ecosystem of the German Wadden Sea’
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), Burghard Erbslöh (Speaker), U. Kleeberg (Speaker), T. Zimmermann (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)
Jan 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
87Sr/86Sr isotope pattern as a tool for provenancing of sturgeon caviar
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), A. Tchaikovsky (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), Christine Opper (Speaker), Rudolf Scheiber (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Elemental and isotopic composition of different hard parts of freshwater fish: background and applications
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), Leo Kirchmaier (Speaker), Anika Retzmann (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Traceability of food and agricultural products
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Analysis of spatially resolved isotopic images assessed by LA-ICP-MS by using isotope pattern deconvolution and data reduction by means of ArcGIS
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Johannes Draxler (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
Aug 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Simultaneous chemical imaging of the elemental and isotopic distribution in biological hard tissues by LA-ICP-MS
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Johannes Draxler (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
Jul 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Spiking, marking and tracing – Isotopic tools as specific monitors and markers of elemental fluxes
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Johannes Draxler (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
Jun 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Sr Isotopes as Tracers in Archaeological Sciences
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), Maria Teschler-Nicola (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Jun 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Isotopen als Indikatoren für die Umweltgeschichte
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
May 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Traceability of Food and Agricultural Products in the Danube Catchment
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
May 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Tracing Mobility in the Early Medieval Settlement of Thunau/Kamp by Strontium Isotope Ratios in Human and Animal Remains Via Regional Isoscapes and Nutritional Sources
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker), Friederike Novotny (Speaker), Michaela Spannagl-Steiner (Speaker) & Maria Teschler-Nicola (Speaker)
Apr 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Application of isotopes in analytical ecogeochemistry as climate change indicators
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
Apr 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Sr Isotopes as Tracers in Archaeological Sciences
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Maria Teschler-Nicola (Speaker) & Andreas Zitek (Speaker)
Apr 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Tracing and spiking – Pre- and post-depositional modification of Sr isotopes of skeletal remains: analytical cognition tools and solution strategies
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Maria Teschler-Nicola (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Apr 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Analytical challenges in Sr isotope ratio measurements in environmental samples by solution-based MC ICP-MS
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Monika Horsky (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Feb 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
‘Isotope pattern deconvolution’ – a key tool for isotope ratio data evaluation of natural and enriched isotope mixture
Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Andreas Zitek (Speaker) & Thomas Prohaska (Speaker)
Feb 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk