Research output: Patent


A pumping device (100) for pumping fluid, wherein the pumping device (100) comprises a force transmitting element (102), a pump plunger (104), and a seal (106), wherein the force transmitting element (102) is adapted for transmitting an upstroke force and a downstroke force to the pump plunger (104) for pumping fluid (108), wherein the seal (106) is adapted for sealingly preventing pumping fluid (108) during the downstroke and for enabling pumping fluid (108) during the upstroke, wherein a movable part (110) of the seal (106) is coupled with the force transmitting element (102), and wherein the force transmitting element (102) has a free unbiased end (112) extending through and beyond a static part (114) of the seal (106) even when the pump plunger (104) is located at an upper reversal position (116).

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2016079264
IPCF04B 47/ 02 A I
Priority date20/11/14
Publication statusPublished - 26 May 2016

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