A Study of the Applicability of Bourgoyne & Young ROP Model and Fitting Reliability through Regression

Asad Elmgerbi, Gerhard Thonhauser, Michael Prohaska-Marchried, Abbas Roohi, David Kutas, Andreas Nascimento, Mauro Hugo Mathias

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Pre-salt layers has long-term exploration and production possibilities, however the properties of such layers are highly challenging for exploration (i.e. these carbonate layers are highly abrasive, located deeper than 5000 m, have generally low permeability) and production (i.e. pre-salt layers are located in harsh oceanic conditions, hundreds of km offshore). These conditions mean increased exploration technological and economic difficulties. One of the partial solutions to decrease costs is to reduce the drilling operations time. Rate of penetration (ROP) has a significant effect on the overall drilling time, driving ROP modeling and optimization to be a viable solution for reducing drilling operations time in such environment. Several mathematical ROP models were developed in the last five decades in the petroleum industry, departing from rather simple but less reliable R-W-N (drilling-rate, weight-on-bit and rotary-speed) equations until the arrival to a comprehensive and complex approach: Bourgoyne and Young ROP Model (BYM) which was first published in 1974.

The paper explains the equation, how it is applied in terms of ROP modeling, identifies the main drilling parameters driving each sub-functions, and introduces how they were developed. The paper base itself on the sub-functions of the equation, explains the normalization factors which have significant influence on the model, and also introduces simulations which aim to understand the approach by applying the equation in a pre-salt layer case study. Knowing that, the original publication was introduced in 1974, this paper also aims to identify rooms for improvement and/or alternate the sub-functions to match actual field data better than with the originally given drillability coefficient recommended boundaries stated in the first publication. This is accomplished through a real-world practical application of this ROP model in a pre-salt layer. The paper also assesses the limitation in terms of the applicability of this complex model for ROP analysis and optimization in such carbonate layers.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 9 Dec 2015

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