Advanced optimization models for the location of charging stations in e-mobility

Rostislav Staněk, Peter Greistorfer, Anna Elisabeth Kastner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


For a reduction in environmental pollution and dependency on petroleum, electric vehicles (EV) present an advantageous alternative to traditionally fossil-fuel powered automobiles. Rapid growth in the number of EVs requires an urgent need to develop an adequate charging station infrastructure to stimulate and facilitate their usage. Due to restricted investments in the development of a sufficient infrastructure, locations have to be chosen deliberately. In this paper, two extensions considering different objectives and further constraints to the deterministic flow refuelling location problem (DFRLP), described by Vries and Duijzer (Omega 69:102–114, 2017), are introduced. First, our research shows that location-dependent construction costs significantly influence the charging infrastructure obtained. Tests for different cost scenarios are carried out and policy implications are discussed. The original DFRLP assumes an unlimited capacity, meaning it is always possible to refuel all EVs at all charging stations, where they stop. Hence, for a more realistic modelling, we assume a limited capacity of charging stations in our second extension. Finally, both extensions are evaluated using benchmark instances based on test instances from the literature.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)737-761
Number of pages25
JournalCentral European Journal of Operations Research
Issue numberSeptember
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 7 Dec 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s).


  • Electric vehicles
  • Recharging
  • Flow refuelling
  • Facility location

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