Advanced Oxidation Processes at the bench scale unit level: characterisation and experimental investigations of ethylenediamintetraacetic acid (EDTA)

Magdalena Drozd-Rys

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) have gained great importance in recent years as an alternative method of wastewater treatment. Problems with pollutants not amenable to biological treatments and with high chemical stability especially revealed the prominent role of that class of oxidation techniques. Ethylenediamintetraacetic acid (EDTA), a common applied complexing agent in many industrial branches, not only has a high resistance to environmental degradation, but also an ability to bind heavy metal ions, which could cause hazardous effects. This master thesis includes the characterization of Advanced Oxidation Processes at the bench scale unit, consisting of a low pressure mercury lamp from Heraeus with power output of 35 W and maximum emission at 254 nm, EC Electro MP-Cell with iridium oxide plate as an anode and glassy carbon as a cathode. In addition there were four exchangeable reactors used. The residence time distribution and photon flow in various reactors were investigated, as well as hydrogen peroxide production on the cathode. Three different AOPs techniques were applied in the studied EDTA degradation process: direct EDTA oxidation on the anode, Fe(II)-EDTA photolysis and Anox/H2O2Cath/UV method. Effectiveness of these processes was analyzed according to the implemented reactor and the flow rate of EDTA solution in a bench scale unit. To enable comparison of the various processes from the economical point of view, current efficiency and radiant power efficiency and specific energy demands were calculated from the achieved experimental data.
Translated title of the contributionAdvanced Oxidation Processes Laboranlage: Charakterisierung und experimentelle Untersuchungen am Beispiel des Komplexbildners Ethylenediamintetraessigsäure
Original languageEnglish
  • Draxler, Josef, Supervisor (internal)
Award date3 Apr 2009
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Bibliographical note

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  • Advanced Oxidation Processes AOPs EDTA electrochemistry photochemistry residence time distribution photon flow

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