„Analyse und Verbesserung eines Produktionsplanungsprozesses“ Überführung einer mehrdimensionalen Planungsstruktur in einen schlanken und einfachen Planungsprozess bei Hagleitner Technology International GmbH.

Translated title of the contribution: „Analysis and improvement of a production planning process“ Transformation of a multidimensional planning structure into a lean and plain planning process in cooperation with Hagleitner Technology International GmbH.

Boris Prodanovic

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

405 Downloads (Pure)


Regarding the chemical production of Hagleitner Technology International GmbH, we identify a multidimensional production process. In addition to quantitative and time managing components, the production planning has to consider chemical and technical restrictions. Due to that fact the production planning and scheduling is very complex. An analysis of the current situation is supposed to identify the responsible areas of planning that drive the complexity of the overall process. Methods and concepts from assembly industries and process industries should be implemented to reduce the complexity of the entire planning process. The Kanban concept was chosen for the production of a specific product family. The complex, two- dimensional production planning was transformed into a one-dimensional planning process. In the future simply the last production level has to be planned. The upstream production level is regulated using a pull concept and simplifies the planning process. In addition, the entire value chain is gaining more flexibility by the implementation of new supermarkets. Established concepts were adapted and implemented to the current corporate structure considering limiting factors. Furthermore, all requirements for implementing chosen concepts have to be established, such as interfaces with IT systems, mappings of new processes and training of affected employees.
Translated title of the contribution„Analysis and improvement of a production planning process“ Transformation of a multidimensional planning structure into a lean and plain planning process in cooperation with Hagleitner Technology International GmbH.
Original languageGerman
  • Steiner, Klaus, Supervisor (external), External person
  • Zsifkovits, Helmut, Supervisor (internal)
Award date30 Jun 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 12-05-2020


  • chemical production
  • production planning and scheduling
  • process industry
  • Kanban
  • planning process
  • Pull
  • supermarket

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