Assessment of mechanical extraction systems for the Kleinfeistritz Mine

Cihan Gögüs

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


Kleinfeistritz leucophyllite mine has an excavation method of conventional drilling & blasting. The goal of this study was to assess the feasibility of the mechanical extraction systems for Kleinfeistritz leucophyllite mine, technically and economically. While doing this assessment, underhand cut and fill mining method and stope dimensions were kept fixed. Sandvik Mining Construction GmbH provided technical support during this study. In the beginning of the assessment process, old rock mechanics data were evaluated and some important working parameters were gathered from the company. After this analysis, an evaluation process chart was created and followed for the following steps. For defining the rock parameters of Kleinfeistritz mine, the most frequently used rock properties for predicting cutting performance; compressive strength tests, Brazilian tensile strength tests were performed. Also, CERCHAR abrasivity index tests were performed in order to classify and predict cutter wear rate and corresponding costs. Those tests were carried out in the Sandvik rock testing laboratories with representative rock samples of leucophyllite, biotite-chlorite gneiss and quartz-muscovite gneiss which were collected from the stockpile of the mine. Available equipment types were investigated due to their characteristics (weight, size, extra features, etc.), mine conditions and mining activities. Also available systems’ investment requirements were researched. For the prediction of the performances of possible mechanical systems, firstly an intensive time study was performed in the mine. With the data obtained from the time study, a detailed process model was created for the 200 kW cutting power roadheader option. Furthermore, process maps and optimized work flows related to mine organisation for the roadheader and drilling & blasting operations were created. Am economic evaluation was done with the data obtained from all these steps, capex (capital expenditure) requirements and opex (operating expenditure) impacts were found and compared to the existing drilling & blasting system. Finally, a risk analysis on hseq aspects for the roadheader operation was carried out. The results show that mechanized production with a roadheader is possible. However, this system needs high amount of capex, but only a small amount of opex savings can be generated. Better results can be achieved in wider tunnels and higher tonnage demand operations with this system. Also keeping dust concentration within the legal limits is questionable.
Translated title of the contributionMachbarkeitsstudie über den Einsatz von mechanisierten Gewinnungssystemen im Bergbau Kleinfeistritz
Original languageEnglish
  • Moser, Peter, Supervisor (internal)
Award date29 Jun 2012
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

embargoed until null


  • Kleinfeistritz
  • Extraction
  • Mechanization
  • Assessment
  • Roadheader

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