Aufbereitungstechnische Ansätze in der Wiederverwertung von Zwischenprodukten aus der Kupfermetallurgie

Translated title of the contribution: The application of mineral processing techniques for the recycling of residues from copper metallurgy

Stefan Patscheider

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


Recycling of residues from copper metallurgy is mostly done by hydro- or pyrometallurgical methods. The objective of this dissertation was to evaluate possible applications and limitations of conventional mineral processing methods in order to recycle these metallurgical wastes. Scientific work was carried out at the Chair of Mineral Processing at Montanuniversität Leoben in collaboration with the Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy and an industrial partner. The investigations were structured in a mineralogical and mineral processing relevant characterization and an experimental part, which was carried out in lab and pilot scale. The mineralogical characterization was performed with x-ray diffraction analysis, x-ray fluorescence analysis and scanning electron microscopy including QEMSCAN® technology. In parallel, the methodology of fractional analysis was used for the characterization of the different residues in terms of mineral processing relevant parameters. Detailed investigations were carried out with dust originating from a secondary copper smelter and a slag from a precious metals process line of a primary copper smelter. Experimental investigation showed that air classification of dust is a selective process for the successful separation of different elements in a fine and coarse fraction. The air classification experiments also were successfully tested in combination with a thermal pretreatment of agglomerated dust. QEMSCAN® investigations showed that precious metals, barite and thenardite are present as inclusions in a lead-silicate phase of the slag. Experiments demonstrated that flotation is the most selective process in order to separate precious metals from barite. Further experiments showed that optical sorting by color is an alternative process in dry mode for particle size classes > 1 mm. Experiments regarding triboelectrostatic separation showed clearly that a separation of precious metal phases from barite occurs, although these results are not as good as the flotation results. The continuation of experiments to find optimum process conditions, at most by use of chemical conditioning in order to control charging behavior with the aim of enhance differences in charges, are highly recommended.
Translated title of the contributionThe application of mineral processing techniques for the recycling of residues from copper metallurgy
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
  • Montanuniversität
  • Flachberger, Helmut, Assessor A (internal)
  • Antrekowitsch, Jürgen, Assessor B (internal)
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 14-11-2023


  • dust
  • precious metals slag
  • air classification
  • triboelectrostatic belt separation

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