Auswirkungen des Emissionshandels auf die österreichische Abfallwirtschaft - Abfallmonoverbrennung, Restmüll- und Verpackungssammlung

Translated title of the contribution: Influence of emission trading on waste management in Austria - Municipal solid waste incineration, collection of residual waste and packaging waste

Simon Saltuari

    Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

    1246 Downloads (Pure)


    The focus of this Thesis is given by a possible future inclusion of parts of the Austrian waste management into European emission trading. During the discussion of various aspects of such an inclusion, particular attention is paid to municipal solid waste incineration plants, but also to residual waste and packaging waste collection. At the beginning the statuary framework of European emission trading and the fundamentals of Austrian waste management are introduced. The development of greenhouse gas emissions caused by waste management in Austria are displayed and a possible inclusion of subdomains, like the municipal solid waste incineration, into emission trading are discussed. Activities of greenhouse gas emission reduction, with a particular regard on the technical feasibility and economical reasonability of carbon capture and storage for municipal solid waste incineration, are highlighted. The CO2 reduction potential of system alteration and of the application of low-emission vehicles/fuels are investigated for communal waste collection. Additionally the option of generating emission allowances by means of JI/CDM projects is outlined.
    Translated title of the contributionInfluence of emission trading on waste management in Austria - Municipal solid waste incineration, collection of residual waste and packaging waste
    Original languageGerman
    • Lorber, Karl, Supervisor (internal)
    • Schuch, Dieter, Co-Supervisor (external), External person
    • Kreindl, Gernot, Co-Supervisor (internal)
    Award date8 Apr 2011
    Publication statusPublished - 2011

    Bibliographical note

    embargoed until null


    • emission trading
    • waste management
    • waste incineration
    • waste collection
    • CCS
    • JI
    • CDM

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