Automated Failure Detection Workflow for Electrical Submersible Pump Surveillance

Michaela Gertrude Hoy

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


Abstract: The generation of a framework often remains as a mystery of software consultants. The strong interconnections of parameters to their roots present a permanent problem to many companies. Also the question of how simplified a complex process can be without losing correspondence to reality and the quality check of the resulting statements are issues to be dealed. This thesis describes the whole process of a framework generation in a step-by-step navigation. Starting with the gathering of information, glancing the principles of knowledge management and ending with the testing of the framework, all important design phases are discussed. A surveillance framework for parameter analysis and failure detection for electrical submersible pumps (ESP) in oilfield applications is created as an example for a framework design. With specialised engineers for the subjects mechanical engineering, petroleum production engineering and software engineering the design of a program is facilitated. An economic assessment judges on the economic impact of a surveillance program. Assets and limitations of automated analysis are discussed as well as the basic prerequisites for a proper and reasonable development and the fundamental learning effect.
Translated title of the contributionArbeitsablauf für eine automatisierte Problemerkennung zur Tauchkreiselpumpenüberwachung
Original languageEnglish
  • Al-Kinani, Andreas, Supervisor (external)
  • Hofstätter, Herbert, Supervisor (internal)
Award date14 Dec 2012
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 23-10-2017


  • ESP
  • framework
  • optimisation
  • software
  • electrical submersible pump
  • parameter

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