Benchmarking OMVs worldwide drilling operations through planned versus actual comparision

Piotr Wilczek

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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Setting new goals and targets for improvement is an important task for every growing and competing industry. Only the knowledge of weak points and critical parts can lead to targets that have a significant positive impact on the overall performance. This task can become more challenging if applied to the oil drilling business. Unique, complicated and diversified projects are tough when it comes to analysis. Data availability is limited, quality often lacks the desired level, and standards for certain values are rare. Especially daily drilling reports can become a nightmare for analysis. Wrong codes, big time steps and a lack of definitions make automated analysis almost impossible, while manual analysis can become a lifetime objective. In this thesis new approaches to overcome those issues are described. They include modifications of the currently used reporting structure by a change of code and a shift in responsibility. This thesis also includes review of the coding used in the reports and changes that could improve report efficiency through analysis software that automatically evaluates drilling projects and benchmarks plan versus actual reports. If applied those concepts could change the way drilling projects are evaluated. The benchmarks could help find parts of the process that have potential for improvement. An analysis of both the plan and the report would also improve future plans and help in developing better estimates. The benchmarks developed and applied on an example based on actual date lead to good results and achieve this thesiss goals. Simplified cases demonstrated further potential of the process.
Translated title of the contributionBenchmarking von Tiefbohrprojekten der OMV
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Montanuniversität
  • Thonhauser, Gerhard, Supervisor (internal)
Award date19 Dec 2008
Publication statusPublished - 2008

Bibliographical note

no embargo


  • Benchmarking Drilling Automated Analysis PlanVsReport

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