CFD modeling of particle dispersion behavior in the MIKE 3 apparatus

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A simulation investigation on the flow domain and particle movement pattern in the dispersion stage of dust explosion experiment were conducted using CFD simulation based on Euler–Lagrange approach. A new solver that couples two phases was developed based on the default solver rhoPimpleFoam from the OpenFOAM tool kit. Three sizes of particles 25 , 125 and 250 were simulated and studied. The simulation results of dust front propagation were evaluated by the experiment data. Particles with smaller diameters tended to move slower. Due to the high turbulence, flow vortices in the lower part of the dispersion domain were identified. These vortices gradually became larger with time and the decrease of inflow velocity. Uneven distribution of particles along with the equipment and high concentration of particles between the discharge electrodes were found in the simulation. Furthermore, particles with higher velocity favored the middle position in the tube. These facts suggested that the ignition delay time for particles larger than 125 should be higher than 60 ms.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9305-9313
Number of pages9
Journal Alexandria engineering journal
Issue number12
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 28 Mar 2022

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