Characterization of electrical properties of n-conducting barium titanate as a function of dc-bias and ac-voltage amplitude by application of impedance spectroscopv

Wolfgang Preis, Johannes Hofer, Werner Sitte

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The electrical properties of bulk and grain boundaries of donor-doped barium titanate ceramics have been characterized as a function of temperature (50–350 °C) and voltage load (up to 140 V) by application of impedance spectroscopy. Both the grain boundary resistivities and the steepness of the R-T characteristics are diminished significantly with increasing voltage load. While the grain boundary resistances are strongly affected by the applied electric field, the grain boundary capacitance is almost independent of the dc-bias. The non-linearity of the resistivity of n-conducting BaTiO3 has been investigated in detail by impedance spectroscopy as a function of dc-bias and a small ac-voltage signal as well as impedance measurements with high ac-voltage amplitudes (zero bias). The non-linear current response to high ac-voltage amplitudes at low frequencies (0.01 Hz) has been determined experimentally and analyzed by means of fast Fourier transform (FFT) as well as Lissajous analyses. Moreover, a finite element model (FEM) has been developed for the simulation of the ac-current response. The FEM calculations are in close agreement with the experimentally determined data for the variation of the grain boundary resistance with ac-voltage amplitude.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2439-2444
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Solid State Electrochemistry
Issue numberAugust
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2015

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