Characterization of geological structures by using petrophysical parameters and the effect of anisotropy

Christina Maria Schell

Research output: ThesisDiploma Thesis

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The interpretation of petrophysical data sets is a common tool for the identification of different lithologies as the variation of mineralogy, texture and porosity is accompanied by varying physical properties. A special issue is the analysis of the directional dependence of the petrophysical properties assumed to yield to a further characterization of the lithologies and the relation to the geological origin. Three different geological structures, the shield volcano of Bad Gleichenberg, Austria, locations within the Bohemian Massif, Austria, and the Bosumtwi impact structure in Ghana, Africa, were observed in terms of their petrophysical properties (electrical, elastic and magnetic), the anisotropy coefficient and the history of origins. The results of the study allow a characterization of the various lithologies involved in terms of petrophysical properties whereas the analysis of the coefficient of anisotropy not always succeeds. In case of Bad Gleichenberg a differentiation between the various layers of the shield volcano is obvious. The analysis of the coefficient of anisotropy is difficult. The locations investigated within the Bohemian Massif show a dependence of physical properties and anisotropy associated with the distance to the fault system. The drill cores of the Bosumtwi impact crater show a differentation of various layers within the structure in petrophysical parameters and the coefficient of anisotropy.
Translated title of the contributionCharakterisierung geologischer Formationen mit Hilfe petrophysikalischer Parameter und dem Effekt der Anisotropie
Original languageEnglish
  • Scholger, Robert, Supervisor (internal)
  • Schleifer, Norbert, Co-Supervisor (external)
Award date15 Dec 2006
Publication statusPublished - 2006

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  • petrophysics petrophysical anisotropy electrical resisitivity compressional velocity susceptibility Bad Gleichenberg Bohemian Massif Bosumtwi impact structure

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