Composition of mixed commercial waste with focus on recyclable fractions

Thomas Weißenbach, Roland Pomberger, Renato Sarc

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The European Union aims at transforming its economy into a circular economy. One approach to increase recycling is the separation of valuables from mixed waste streams, such as mixed commercial waste (MCW). For this purpose, the MCW has to be characterized in terms of its composition and selected fuel-relevant parameters.The presentarticleprovides thisdata for Austrian MCW.The investigated MCW was collected from a number of different companies in Styria and Vienna.The methodology for all sorting activities was based on the Austrian Standard ÖNORM S 2127. In addition, four material fractions have been sorted into a recyclable and a non-recyclable part. Laboratory analysis of water content, heatingvalue, chlorine and ash content wascarried out according to the requiredstandards.The compositionsof the MCW samplesshowa broad variety regarding certain material fractions. The share of thosematerials, which are potentially suitable for recycling, variesbetween 40% and 50%. The main reason for thedifferences is most probably the origin of commercial waste. The recyclable part of threeout of the four investigated material fractions is higher than the non-recyclable part. In total, however, the non-recyclable quantityamounts up to nearly a third of the four fractions. That means that the mass potential of valuablesin Austrian MCW varies around 30%.The values of theparameters water content, heating value, chlorine and ash content confirm that the MCWconstitutes a suitableinput for the production of solid recovered fuel.
Translated title of the contributionZusammensetzung von gemischtem Gewerbeabfall mit Fokus auf recyclierbare Fraktionen
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jun 2019
Event7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management - Heraklion, Greece
Duration: 26 Jun 201929 Jun 2019


Conference7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management
Abbreviated titleHeraklion 2019
Internet address

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