Constraining the stress field and its variability at the BedrettoLab: Elaborated hydraulic fracture trace analysis

Kai Bröker, Xiaodong Ma, Shihuai Zhang, Nima Gholizadeh Doonechaly, Marian Hertrich, Gerd Klee, Andrew Greenwood, Eva Caspari, Domenico Giardini

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The measurement of the stress field and its natural heterogeneity is a common challenge in the field of geophysics and underground engineering. This study presents findings from an extensive mini-frac campaign conducted at the Bedretto Underground Laboratory (BedrettoLab) in the Swiss Alps. Six dedicated stress measurement boreholes, spanning 500 m along the Bedretto Tunnel, were utilized to prepare for meso-scale hydraulic stimulation experiments in a granitic rock volume. A detailed analysis of the induced hydraulic
fracture trace morphology was carried out using acoustic televiewer logging data, with an interpretation based on the local geological context. The results show that the far field orientation of the maximum horizontal stress (𝑆Hmax) is on average N112°E and the overburden stress can be assumed to be a principal stress direction. However, the en-echelon shape of the observed hydraulic fracture traces suggests that there is a slight inclination of the greatest principal stress away from the vertical stress direction. The mini-frac test
intervals along boreholes inside the enlarged niche of the BedrettoLab indicate a counterclockwise rotated horizontal stress by up to 37° and potentially stronger inclination of the greatest principal stress from the vertical stress direction. The most likely causes of this stress field rotation, along with a considerably larger scatter in stress magnitudes, appear to be the larger laboratory niche dimensions compared to the tunnel and the presence of natural fractures that are preferentially oriented for slip in the far field stress state. Although
the uncertainties and variability of the stress field around the BedrettoLab are not yet fully understood, our results are useful for strategic planning and design of meso-scale stimulation experiments in the rock volume. Furthermore, our detailed analysis procedure contributes to advancing the understanding of mini-frac tests in similar geological settings.
Original languageEnglish
Article number105739
Number of pages17
JournalInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
Issue numberJune
Publication statusPublished - 10 May 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright: © 2024 The Authors


  • In situ stress field
  • Hydraulic fracture traces
  • Natural fractures
  • Underground research
  • laboratory
  • Fractured crystalline rock
  • Bedretto underground
  • laboratory for
  • geoenergies and
  • geosciences
  • Underground research laboratory
  • Bedretto underground laboratory for geoenergies and geosciences

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