Das Kieswerk Sulzau - Bestandsaufnahme und Planung des Abbaues bis zum Lagerstättenende

Translated title of the contribution: The gravel pit Sulzau - Survey and design of the mining until the end of the deposit

Paul Haigermoser

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


This work deals with the Sulzau gravel pit owned by the company Salzburger Sand- und Kieswerke GmbH. The task was an analysis of the current extraction and hauling, as well as the further mining planning up to the end of the deposit. The thesis is divided into several parts. First a general description of the gravel pit including location, geology and petrography. Furthermore, a list of the manufactured products and the requirements for them. This was followed by a detailed examination of the mining process and the transportation of materials, which includes an analysis of the costs and possible savings. The next step was the "tailings pond extension" project, which is essential for a gravel plant with washed products. Then the new project “Excavated material dump” is described and at the end the topic of future mining planning is explained. In advance, seven different options were planned, for this using the Civil3D program from the manufacturer Autodesk. In consultation with the company Salzburger Sand- und Kieswerke GmbH, two of these were selected for this work, which were incorporated into this diploma thesis.
Translated title of the contributionThe gravel pit Sulzau - Survey and design of the mining until the end of the deposit
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
  • Montanuniversität
  • Ramsauer, Mathias, Supervisor (external), External person
  • Hartlieb, Philipp, Supervisor (internal)
  • Eder, Johann, Co-Supervisor (external)
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 26-01-2026


  • open pit
  • mining
  • design
  • tailings pond

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