Dropped Object Prevention for OMV Austria Workover Operations

Florian Leopold

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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Dropped objects cause most of the incidents and near misses in the petroleum industry. Therefore, it was decided to conduct a thesis in cooperation with OMV Austria to analyse events related to dropped objects. At first, the HSSE reports of OMV, IOGP (The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers), PSA (Petroleum Safety Authority of Norway) and DORIS (Dropped Object Register of Incidents and Statistics) were used to identify barriers and hazards related to dropped objects. Moreover, current reports were analysed and recommendations for improvements related to drops were submitted. The workover operations were ranked due to their risk level by using a decision matrix. Moreover, a gravel pack operation was analysed in detail and a checklist was provided concerning gravel pack operations. Different risk analysing tools were tested and the most suitable one for drops (BOW TIE) was used to analyse past events. Furthermore, tests in cooperation with AUVA (Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt) were conducted for two reasons. Firstly, to compare the helmets currently used by OMV to the ones from a different manufacturer. Secondly, to raise the awareness of dropped objects and moreover show the impact of a dropped object and how it changes with the object´s shape. For these tests, objects were designed to show the influence of shape related to dropped objects. These objects have the same weight but vary in shape. This should help to analyse the consequences of a drop. Moreover, further tests were conducted with plasticine to show the depth of penetration of different objects. This plasticine resembles the human body. The tests show that shape has a major influence. This work gives a stepwise guidance of how to identify and prevent events related to dropped objects. In the end a guideline for the workover crews was prepared which can be used as a reference book on the rig site.
Translated title of the contributionPrävention von fallenden Objekten für OMV Behandlungsanlagen
Original languageEnglish
  • Überer, Wolfgang, Supervisor (external), External person
  • Hofstätter, Herbert, Supervisor (internal)
  • Manek, Thomas, Co-Supervisor (external), External person
Award date21 Oct 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 31-08-2019


  • risk
  • drop
  • dropped object
  • workover
  • prevention
  • bow tie

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