Einfluss der Wärmebehandlung auf die Interkristalline Korrosion der Nickelbasis-Legierung Alloy 625

Translated title of the contribution: Influence of heat treatment on intergrannular corrosion of the nickelbase Alloy 625

Roland Lackner

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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Alloy 625 is used in the chemical and petrochemical industry as a high corrosion resistant alloy. Due to the high costs of this alloy, it is often used as a cladding material. Within a cladding material, alloy 625 carries the corrosion properties and the base material the mechanical properties. The influence of heat treatments on corrosion properties and microstructure of different material conditions has been investigated. Within these investigations, stable annealed material shows much better corrosion properties than solution annealed and as rolled material. Different corrosion testing methods have been applied and correlated. Immersion tests according to ASTM G28 A shows pretty good correlation to a modified DL-EPR test. Critical phases have been evaluated with high resolution techniques (EF-TEM and KPFM). These investigations showed that Molybdenum rich precipitates along grain boundaries are critical to corrosion properties.
Translated title of the contributionInfluence of heat treatment on intergrannular corrosion of the nickelbase Alloy 625
Original languageGerman
  • Mori, Gregor Karl, Supervisor (internal)
  • Clemens, Helmut, Assessor A (internal)
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 04-02-2020


  • Nickelbase Alloy
  • corrosion
  • precipitation
  • cladding

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