Entwicklung einer Methode zur repräsentativen Probenahme aus Abfallballen

Translated title of the contribution: Development of a method for representative sampling of waste bales

Valentin Schaffer

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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Waste bales are a common form of drum in the field of waste management. Accordingly, sampling of these or equivalent bales is relevant for the analytical evaluation of stored and transported waste contingents. This master thesis project contains the development of a new method, aimed to be simpler than the conventional options for waste bale sampling. In doing so, existing methods and technological options for new alternatives were searched, tested and discussed. Parts for a new alternative method are based on the concept of the Pressdrilling-Method, which has been filed a patent application by Prof. Dr Sylvia Schade-Dannewitz and Dr. rer.nat. Jürgen Poerschke in 2007. The newly formed prototype of a Wastebale-Drillcore-Sample-Method (ger.: „Ballen-Bohrproben-Methode“, BBPM) has undergone several practical test at the technical center of the Saubermacher Dienstleistungs-AG in Graz and the Abfalllogistikzentrum Pfaffenau of the MA48 in Vienna. These tests compare the new method with a standardized, conventional method via analytical means. Analytical testing was carried out by the laboratory for environmental and process analysis at the Montan Universitaet Leoben. Additionally to the analytical results, experiences about the impact of the drill-geometry, the drilling motor and the properties of the waste bale itself on the sampling results were gained. The outcome of this thesis is to convey the potential of the new method and provide a starting point for the development of a technologically advanced prototype of the new method for waste bale sampling.
Translated title of the contributionDevelopment of a method for representative sampling of waste bales
Original languageGerman
  • Wellacher, Martin, Supervisor (internal)
Award date16 Dec 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Bibliographical note

embargoed until null


  • Waste
  • Bales
  • Method
  • Development
  • Analysis
  • Schaffer

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