Erarbeiten von ökonomischen und ökologischen Potentialen und Herausforderungen des Intermodalverkehrs im Staubgütertransport

Translated title of the contribution: Elaboration of economic and ecological potentials and challenges of intermodal transport of powder-shaped materials

Hana Kostolanska

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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Due to the EU¿s climate targets, the reduction of CO2-emissions in companies represents a current topic. To achieve these goals, companies are striving to make their processes more sustainable. Since transportation represents a sector that generates a high proportion of CO2-emissions, the firm¿s transportation processes are a good starting point. The most used means of transport are heavy-duty trucks, which, at the same time, cause the largest amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, there is potential in shifting road transport to rail or inland waterways. If the truck is only responsible for transport from the terminal or port to the company or reverse, the process is known as intermodal transport. This thesis addresses the challenges that arise during the implementation and planning of intermodal transport and describes its strengths. Potential lies in industries that transport bulk goods and in energy-intensive industries, such as the cement and steel industries, where the share of total emissions can be reduced by intermodal transport solutions. The transport distance above which intermodal transport is economically more advantageous than direct transport depends on the individual case. Therefore, companies can consider intermodal transport options in any case, regardless of the transport distance. In planning, there is a higher organizational effort, because the pre-carriage, on-carriage and transhipments must be planned. Thus, several people are also involved in the transport chain, which leads to more difficult communication among them. The international differences of the railroads and the small rail and inland waterway transport network lead to further challenges in the implementation. Therefore, investment in infrastructure and standardization of transport infrastructure at the global level are called for. Another policy measure mentioned was the internalization of external costs, where modes of transport pay for the external costs they generate. This would lead to a more equitable cost structure between transport modes.
Translated title of the contributionElaboration of economic and ecological potentials and challenges of intermodal transport of powder-shaped materials
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
  • Montanuniversität
  • Woschank, Manuel, Supervisor (internal)
Award date31 Mar 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

no embargo


  • Intermodal transport
  • powder-shaped material

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