Fighting contemporary terrorism as a contribution to the protection of human security in the republik of Serbia: Suprostavljanje savremenom terorizmu kao doprinos zastiti ljudske bezbednosti u Republici Srbiji

М Поповић, В Цветковић

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearch


The scientific and professional literature, politics and the media are preoccupied with the problem of terrorism and consequences of its manifestations upon security of the state in the past few decades. With the development of the concept of human security focus of interest has been shifted to the consequences that this security threat pose to the man and his values. The aim of this paper is to show that the state is only indirectly affected by the consequences of terrorism through its constituent component - population. For that reason, fighting contemporary terrorism must be in order to protect human security. This paper will discuss how the human component is positioned in the National Security Strategy, since it is a major strategic documents in Serbia. It will then consider whether terrorism construe an increasing threat to traditional state’s values such as state sovereignty and territorial integrity, or to its human component. Finally, we will point out how the fight against terrorism contributes to the protection of human security, ie. that of its segment, which is threatened by the terrorist activity. Keywords: human security, national security, state, terrorism, strategy.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationSuprotstavljanje savremenom organizovanom kriminalu i terorizmuEdition: Edicija ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ
Subtitle of host publicationOpposing Modern Organized Crime and Terrorism Edition: Edition ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes

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