Fire Protection for Underground Loading and Hauling Mobile Equipment

Jari Pekka Söderlund

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis (University Course)


Majority of fires in underground mines involve vehicles. Heavy machinery often consists of flammable materials, such as rubber tires and hoses, cables, fuel and hydraulic fluids. Fires involving rubber-tired underground loading and hauling vehicles and drill rigs are serious risks requiring comprehensive review and management. Many mining companies wish to collaborate with equipment manufacturers in order to improve fire safety in mining environment. This emphasizes the need for effective risk communication between mining companies and equipment manufacturers. In this project the aim is to gather information of potential risks of fire with mobile Loading and Hauling (L&H) equipment in pilot mine site and as well from the literature. More knowledge and feedback is gathered while doing the identification of the main root causes of fire incidents and potential risks items. Current state of fire protection engineering design is analysed by the case study of LH517 loader. Overall this will support and further develop Sandvik’s L&H R&D/E design process and as well improve the awareness of potential risk of fire in mine site through the improved awareness. Project summarizes and proposes improvements for the management and control methods to be utilized both in mine(s) and in Sandvik’s R&D/E. Major stakeholder’s for the project are Sandvik R&D/E and Pyhäsalmi mine, in Finland. Fire protection analysis within the L&H mobile equipment can be seen as a mandatory but also like an investment to improve product safety and to bring customers closer to engineering.
Translated title of the contributionFire Protection for Underground Loading and Hauling Mobile Equipment
Original languageEnglish
  • Moser, Peter, Supervisor (internal)
Publication statusPublished - 2016

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