Hydrodynamically driven facet kinetics in crystal growth

Mihaela Stefan-Kharicha, Abdellah Kharicha, Kader Zaidat, Georg Reiss, Werner Eßl, Frank Goodwin, Menghuai Wu, Andreas Ludwig, Claudia Mugrauer

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In this paper we show that the presence of liquid flow around a crystal growing from melt can induce dissymmetry in growth similar to that described by anisotropic interfacial kinetic coefficients. A front tracking interface model based on a cellular automaton approach was applied to the growth of a Fe2Al5 crystal (also known as top dross particle) in a saturated Zn melt at constant temperature. The growth rate was found to be influenced by the intensity of the melt flow and by the direction of the flow with respect to the crystal orientation. The magnitude and the direction of flow modify the diffusion boundary layer, changing the conditions (temperature and concentration) at the facet interface, therefore the mass transfer. We have shown that despite the isotropy of interfacial kinetics, hydrodynamics was able to introduce an anisotropy in the crystal growth similar to the natural anisotropy in interfacial kinetics of the facets. The facets grow rate was found to be strongly dependant on the Reynolds number as well as on the orientation of the crystalline orientation with respect to the flow direction.
Original languageEnglish
Article number126557
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of crystal growth
Issue number15 April
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 31 Jan 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright: © 2022


  • A1. Computer simulation
  • A1. Convection
  • A1. Fluid flows
  • A1. Growth models
  • A2. Growth from melt
  • A2. Single crystal growth

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