Identification of potential candidates for Linear Rod Pump (LRP) applications in OMV PETROM and definition of standard LRP types

Hannes Abdalla

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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When selecting an artificial lift system (ALS), special emphasis has to be given to operating range, well location, subsurface conditions, productivity of the well, run life of the pump and production costs. OMV PETROM operates approximately 7500 wells of which about 163 wells are produced with the Linear Rod Pump(LRP). The LRP is a relatively new artificial lift technology which could become an innovative alternative to the conventional beam pumping unit due to its numerous benefits. In the near future application of LRP could be extended in Romania assuming that LRP characteristics suit specific well features. Therefore the objective of this thesis is to screen all PETROM Oil Wells for potential LRP application and to recommend in which wells the LRP should be utilized in the future. Having done that, the final step of the thesis consists of a standardization proposal for LRP types that are recommended to be used. The thesis begins with outlining the benefits and limitations of the LRP, the linear rod pump is compared to other pumping unit systems in order to define under which conditions the LRP should be utilized and which are the selection criteria of LRP application in PETROM. Another important part of the thesis deals with input of data for pumping unit systems into QROD, which is a practical beam pumping design simulator, in order to create boundary conditions based on depth and pump displacement for each pumping unit system model. Moreover, a well data screening of defined cases suitable for LRP application, based on the criteria mentioned above, was performed in order to first screen all wells for LRP application and secondly to propose an LRP standardization for these wells. This project has been carried out in cooperation with the Production System Optimization Department of the E&P division in OMV PETROM SA in Bucharest which provided me the employed software, valuable input, and access to PETROMs “best practices” documentation. Further information has been taken from SPE papers, technical books, journals and the internet. The used sources have been stated using the IEEE 2006 style for citation. When referring to PETROM in this thesis the reference is made to OMV PETROM SA.
Translated title of the contributionIdentifizierung von potentiellen Kandidaten für die Anwendung von Linear Rod Pumps (LRP) in der OMV PETROM und Definition von Standard-LRP-Typen
Original languageEnglish
  • Hofstätter, Herbert, Supervisor (internal)
  • Blažeković, Saša Marko , Supervisor (external), External person
Award date13 Dec 2013
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 03-12-2018


  • ALS
  • operating range
  • well location
  • subsurface conditions
  • productivity of the well
  • run life of the pump
  • production costs
  • Linear Rod Pump
  • LRP
  • innovative alternative
  • screen
  • Romania
  • standardization proposal
  • LRP types
  • benefits and limitations of the LRP

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