Improvement of the physical-mechanical and optical properties of the packaging production through coating with aqueous polymer dispersion in accordance with the environmental protection requirements

T. Bozhkova, R. Boeva, I. Spiridonov, Yanko Nedelchev, Janak Sapkota, N. Kašiković, S. Dedijer, M. Pal

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch


The nowadays growing demands toward sustainable development and environmental protection led to increased interest in bio-degradable materials from renewable sources. Aqueous polymer dispersion are used for surface coating of paper and cardboard in the packaging industry in order to improve the physical-mechanical and optical properties of the production. This poster highlights the main parameters in the preparation, processing and utilization of aqueous dispersion, based on synthetic and bio-degradable polymers and used in the print finishing.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventNinth National Conference on Chemistry: Science and Technology for Better Life, 18th National Symposium on Polymers - Sofia, Bulgaria
Duration: 29 Sept 20161 Oct 2016


ConferenceNinth National Conference on Chemistry
Internet address


  • material science
  • Polymers
  • Coating

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