Investigation of the Digital Platform for Wellbore Centric Data; End-to-End Seamless Integrated Data Flow Concept Development

Felix Waltenberger

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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Nowadays, Energy companies face ever-increasing volumes and high variety of data. Wellbore centric data and more specifically WLMS (Well Log Management System) data types are an essential input to be used by OMV subsurface specialists in their daily work. WLMS is the global leading system in OMV and OMV Petrom and is the future planned single data source for all Log-, Mudlog- and Core data within the organization. The optimization and automation of the existing E2E (End to End) data handling workflow is an ongoing process in OMV. The thesis was initiated to further optimize, automatize and to continue the development of a seamless integrated environment with a potential transition to DELFI and OSDUTM Data Platform. Special focus for the overall concept development was the consideration of all needed WLMS data conditioning workflows, including data gathering, data standardization, data preparation and serving the business as fast as possible with high company value data (standardized, complete, basic QC data) via relevant working environments. An extensive literature review on well log management, data gathering, and audit was done in advance. Interviews with various specialists have been conducted to understand priorities and pain points. Contact with the service contractor supporting OMV with data conditioning activities was established. Feedback was continuously implemented in this thesis as an ongoing process. WLMS as a data foundation is presented. Fundamentals on DELFI and OSDUTM Data Platform are emphasized on. An approach to establishing a single data entry point is presented: Via a Hybrid Cloud Ecosystem and OSDUTM Data Platform ingestion. A proposal for a data gathering concept and audit process for timely and complete data delivery is presented considering OMV defined data handling processes and regulations. An E2E data flow diagram split into the different WLMS relevant business workflows for holistic data lineage and includes a concept on data tracking and - monitoring. The E2E diagram will allow OMV to translate the workflows existing in the current IT architecture to workflows in an OSDUTM / DELFI ecosystem. Different options for integrating the IT architecture of the service contractor for data conditioning into an OSDUTM / DELFI ecosystem are laid out. Respective advantages and limitations are compared. A business value proposition shall give the reader information on the context of why wellbore centric data management is important for Energy companies, highlighting how WLMS data types are involved in all stages of exploration, field development, drilling, and production of hydrocarbons as well as in Low Carbon Business (LCB) at OMV. A clear list of actionable recommendations for OMV synthesizes the key findings and how to implement the solutions in the OMV environment. A proposed action plan on a possible way forward concludes this thesis.
Translated title of the contributionUntersuchung der Digitalen Plattform für bohrlochbezogene Daten; End-zu-End nahtlos integrierte Datenflusskonzeptentwicklung
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Montanuniversität
  • Yoshioka, Keita, Supervisor (internal)
  • Sobhani, Ameneh, Co-Supervisor (internal)
  • Crompton, Jim, Co-Supervisor (external), External person
  • Berger, Peter, Supervisor (external), External person
Award date20 Oct 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

no embargo


  • wellbore data management
  • digital platform
  • well logging
  • data lineage
  • data flow diagram
  • wellbore centric data
  • E&P data gathering
  • data audit
  • IT architecture
  • hybrid cloud
  • core data
  • mudlog data
  • well log data
  • WLMS

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