New Mold Slag Compositions for the Continuous Casting of Soft Steels

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Several fluorine-free mold slag compositions have already been established in the literature. In all cases, the formation of a crystalline phase exhibiting behavior similar to that of cuspidine is emphasized to control horizontal heat transfer without influencing the lubrication performance for the casting of peritectic steel grades. In contrast, for casting soft steels, glassy solidification of the slag is required. Herein, different slag compositions involving the selected oxides are developed with the help of FactSage calculations. Mixtures of pure raw materials are melted at 1673 K and quenched to 295 K. It is observed that B 2O 3 increases the glass-forming ability of the slags. To obtain the glassy phase, the composition must satisfy the conditions (Formula presented.) and (Formula presented.). For TiO 2 content <10 wt%, glassy solidification is detected after quenching to room temperature. However, this phenomenon-is not observed for slags with TiO 2 content >15 wt%. Moreover, the addition of alumina and alkali oxides enhances crystallization. Based on these findings, promising mold slag compositions are designed and characterized in the laboratory using a furnace crystallization test, mineralogical investigations, and the single/double hot thermocouple technique. From the investigated mixtures, three compositions are suggested for use in continuous casting processes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
JournalSteel research international
Issue number93
Early online date24 May 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 The Authors. Steel Research International published by Wiley-VCH GmbH


  • crystallization
  • double hot thermocouple technique
  • fluorine free
  • mold slags
  • single hot thermocouple technique
  • viscosity

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