Optimierung des Herstellprozesses von geschmiedeten Turbinenscheiben für optimalen Direct-Age-Effekt unter Berücksichtigung von abnormalem Kornwachstum

Translated title of the contribution: Optimization of the Manufacturing Process of Turbine Discs for an Optimal Direct-Age-Effect under Consideration of Abnormal Grain Growth

Christian Bucher

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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Safety critical parts in aerospace industry like rotating turbine discs have high demands on quality and reliability. In order to fulfill these high strength and safety requirements the exact behavior of the material during production has to be determined. The necessary strength of the nickel based alloy 718 can only be reached with the incorporation of the Direct-Age(DA)-process. The DA-effect is obtained within a small production range which is aimed to be optimized as part of this master thesis. Therefore the existing DA-model has to be verified and extended with additional analysis of serial discs. In order to consider manufacturing fluctuations in production the exact process parameters were implemented into a simulation chain. This simulation chain consisting of DEFORM and MATCALC was used to simulate the production process and calculate the resulting strength of the forged part. This simulated strength was compared with the strength of the tested samples. Furthermore a parameter study was done, in order to determine the sensibility of the simulation chain regarding fluctuation of process parameters. An optimized process parameter set for highest strength could be determined within this study. This process parameter set has to be verified by further forgings at Böhler Schmiedetechnik. High strengths due to the DA-effect are achieved in a process window where abnormal grain growth during solution annealing can occur. This process range would lead to a decreased strength of the forged part. Hence, the actual model has to be adopted to avoid abnormal grain growth. The optimized process window should exhibit highest strengths whereas the risk of abnormal grain growth should be minimized. For the validation of the range for abnormal grain growth laser-ultrasonic measurements and metallographic analysis were carried out within this master thesis. The optimized processing route for a realistic portrayal will be implemented at Böhler Schmiedetechnik after validation.
Translated title of the contributionOptimization of the Manufacturing Process of Turbine Discs for an Optimal Direct-Age-Effect under Consideration of Abnormal Grain Growth
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
  • Montanuniversität
  • Stanojevic, Aleksandar, Co-Supervisor (external)
  • Stockinger, Martin, Supervisor (external)
  • Buchmayr, Bruno, Supervisor (internal)
Award date15 Dec 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 15-11-2022


  • Direct-Age-effect
  • alloy 718
  • abnormal grain growth
  • turbine discs
  • process design
  • forging simulation

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