Pelsonian and Illyrian (Anisian, Middle Triassic) ammonoid faunas from the Bulog Group of Kovčezi, Durmitor Mountain, Dinarides (northern Montenegro)

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Three different ammonoid assemblages of Anisian age are described from the Anisian Bulog Group of the Kovčezi section in the Durmitor Mountain (northern Montenegro/Dinarides). The Illyrian is represented by a succession belonging to the Komarani and Bulog Formations, together approximately 50 m thick. The Komarani Formation of late Illyrian age consists predominanty of oligomictic breccias and mass-transport deposits that contain redeposited Bulog Limestone blocks with Pelsonian ammonoids. Within the late Illyrian Bulog Formation above the Komarani Formation, two distinct condensed nodular limestone levels contain rich ammonoid faunas. In total 36 taxa could be determined, belonging to 24 genera of the Aplococeras avisianum and Nevadites secedensis zones. Ptychites rugifer (Oppel), Megaphyllites obolus Mojsisovics, Parakellnerites rothpletzi (Salomon), Apleuroceras decrescens (Hauer), Proteusites labiatus (Hauer), Tropigastrites lahontanus Smith, Proarcestes pannonicus (Mojsisovics) and Proarcestes subtridentinus (Mojsisovics), and the genus Aristoptychites are for the first time described from Montenegro (south Central Europe).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-40
Number of pages40
JournalAustrian journal of earth sciences
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jan 2025

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