Praktische Entwicklung eines innovativen Kombinationsverfahrens für Chemikalienabbau und Sterilisation infektiöser Abwässer

Translated title of the contribution: Practical development of an innovative treatment method for chemical degradation and sterilization of infectious waste water

Stefanie Gesslbauer

    Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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    The relatively large amounts of waste waters generated by healthcare and medical sector (IWWs) in Austria (million liters per year) contain among others pharmaceuticals which do have an adverse influence on the ecology of water and the aquatic systems despite their relatively low concentrations (µg/L). These contaminants have a complex structure, are very stable or persistent (a property needed for warehousing of medicaments) and have low degradation rates in sewage treatment plants without proper pre-treatment. Some of them are also known as Endocrine Disruptor Compounds (EDC). This Master Thesis presents a technical approach of the newly developed treatment method for sterilization and oxidation of infectious waste waters (IWWs) from medical, pharmaceutical and chemical establishments (e.g. healthcare facilities, hospitals, laboratories etc.) and also contains results on efficiency and degradation rates. The investigation was focused among others on degradation of chemicals, drugs and germs. The practical tests with the indicator substance Carbamazepine spiked water have been carried out using a combination of two innovative technologies, i.e. the well known METEKA sterilization system and the Anodic Oxidation with Boron doped diamond electrodes developed at IAE-Institute. Furthermore, the present Master Thesis discusses the European and Austrian legal frameworks on medical waste management, gives statistical data on wasters produced in medical establishments in Austria, describes the current state of knowledge on treatment of IWWs in Austria, as well as used technologies (Sterilization and Anodic Oxidation) and technical design, together with results on implementation, application, evaluation and validation of practical tests.
    Translated title of the contributionPractical development of an innovative treatment method for chemical degradation and sterilization of infectious waste water
    Original languageGerman
    • Lorber, Karl, Co-Supervisor (internal)
    • Sarc, Renato, Supervisor (internal)
    Award date29 Jun 2012
    Publication statusPublished - 2012

    Bibliographical note

    embargoed until 05-06-2017


    • sterilization
    • anodic oxidation
    • infectious waste water
    • Carbamezepine
    • pharmaceuticals
    • chemical degradation

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