Prozessoptimierung und Modellierung der Pyrometallurgie bei der Herstellung von Sekundärkupfer

Translated title of the contribution: Process optimization and modeling of the pyrometallurgy of a secondary copper smelter

Thomas Messner

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


Montanwerke Brixlegg AG is the only copper producer in Austria. Recycling materials with copper contents from 5 % upwards are processed. The main accompanying elements in the materials are zinc, nickel, iron, tin, aluminum, lead and precious metals. These recycling materials also exhibit a wide range of chemical and physical apperance like metallic, oxidic, sulfates, carbonates, hydroxides or in moisture, grain size. A considerable amount of slag and dust from the converter and anode furnace as well as the flue dust from the shaft furnace have to be recycled. This cycle management results in a stronger load of the shaft furnace. One project was developed at the shaft furnace, analyzing the theory involved and investigations were made at industrial scale. Another work was to investigate the process parameters on the refining process of stationary anode furnace. In order to achieve a reduction of the cycle stream and thus loads of the individual aggregates the Software (MODDE 7.0) has been installed. It includes the data information of the last years for each furnace to investigate the interactions between secondary raw materials, process parameters, elements in in-/output products. Thermodynamic calculations of the process steps are carried out with the help of the software FactSage. Software HSC is used for heat and material balances to get a process model, not to give accurate values of the real processes, but to show and interpret the tendencies of the results.
Translated title of the contributionProcess optimization and modeling of the pyrometallurgy of a secondary copper smelter
Original languageGerman
  • Lorber, Karl, Assessor B (internal)
  • Antrekowitsch, Helmut, Assessor A (internal)
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Bibliographical note

no embargo


  • shaft furnace
  • converter
  • anode furnace
  • copper
  • Knudsen
  • Recycling
  • secondary raw materials

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