Rückgewinnung von Ammonium und Phosphat aus Deponiesickerwässer mittels ILS-Verfahren

Translated title of the contribution: Recovery of ammonium and phosphate from landfill leachate with ILS-Process

Sabrina Frühauf

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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Landfill leachates (DSW) contain numerous dissolved components due to their interaction with the waste including the nutrients ammonium (NH4+) and phosphate (PO43-). In Austria, DSW must be treated and also emission limit values must be complied before they can be discharged into running water or a public sewage treatment plant. Due to the current treatment of wastewater, large quantities of the nutrients NH4+ and PO43- are lost under high energy and high costs. In the context of this work it was investigated whether there is a possible potential for the recovery of NH4+ and PO43- from DSW in Austria, whether the ion exchanger-loop-stripping process (ILS-Process) for the simultaneous recovery of NH4+ and PO43- can be applied to DSW, and which DSW are suitable for this. A characterization of 11 DSW samples from Austrian landfills with a high content of biodegradable substances with regard to NH4+ and PO43- was performed. For this purpose, an analysis method specially adapted for the ILS method based on the natural zeolite clinoptilolite (Ca0.5,Na,K)6(Al6Si30)O72·20H2O) was applied. Furthermore, the NH4+ adsorption ability of zeolites with different loads was investigated. For Austria, a theoretical potential of 1134 t of NH4+ per year was determined, which is present in DSW. The potential of PO43- is lower and amounts to 7 t per year. With 20 g Na pretreated clinoptilolite, ammonium exchange capacity of up to 61 % could be achieved with a quantity of 500 mL DSW. The zeolite loaded with Na achieves the highest ammonium exchange capacities. For further tests with a pilot plant 3 samples can be used.
Translated title of the contributionRecovery of ammonium and phosphate from landfill leachate with ILS-Process
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
  • Montanuniversität
  • Vollprecht, Daniel, Co-Supervisor (internal)
  • Raith, Johann, Co-Supervisor (internal)
  • Pomberger, Roland, Supervisor (internal)
Award date25 Oct 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 12-08-2024


  • landfill leachate
  • ammonium recovery
  • phosphate recovery
  • clinoptilolite
  • ion exchange-loop-stripping-process
  • zeolithe
  • recovery potential

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