Small scale reflection seismic surveys in the Alpine Region of Austria

Rupert Schmöller, Rudolf Konrad Fruhwirth, Andreas Kogler

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The Geophysical Institute of the Mining University Leoben and the Institute of Applied Geophysics of Joanneum Research, a non profit research center of Styria, are regularly involved in reflection seismic surveys. Many of the surveys are run for research projects supported by official funds of the Ministry of Science and Research, by governmental institutions of the federal counties and by the Austrian Fund, for Industrial Support. There are however also important projects for the industry and private institutions like oil companies, organizations for the development of thermal- or mineral water resources or engineering bureaus. We use our own 48-channel digital Sercel 338 seismograph in the field. The data processing is dove with the DISCO-package of Cogniseis.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 1994
Event56th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 1994 - Wien, Austria
Duration: 6 Jun 199410 Jun 1994


Conference56th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 1994

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