Stoffliche Verwertung von Abfällen-Einsatz der Nahinfrarot-Sortiertechnik im Bereich von Gewerbeabfällen

Translated title of the contribution: Waste recycling-Use of near infrared sorting technology in the field of commercial waste

Stephanie Fleischhacker

    Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

    557 Downloads (Pure)


    The sorting of waste by using near infrared (NIR) technology already is implemented in some sectors. This paper deals with the scarcely use of NIR-technology for the sorting of commercial waste, where the separated recyclable fraction will be used in recycling plants. At the beginning, the legal situation of recycling in Austria is clarified. Then the NIR-method with their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the best available technology and their application are specified. The ability of NIR-technology for sorting of commercial waste is analyzed in large scale-tests in an existing NIR-plant for the sorting of plastic bottles (hollow bodies). The separated material streams are tested for purity, quality and quantity as well as for their marketability. With these results achieved, a pilot NIR-sorting plant for separating papers, paperboards, cardboards and plastics is planned. The use of mixed paper in a recycling economy is investigated and the necessary investments for the extension of the pilot plant with a NIR-System are calculated. Finally the results of this work are discussed.
    Translated title of the contributionWaste recycling-Use of near infrared sorting technology in the field of commercial waste
    Original languageGerman
    • Curtis, Alexander, Co-Supervisor (external)
    • Kreindl, Gernot, Co-Supervisor (internal)
    • Lorber, Karl, Supervisor (internal)
    Award date8 Apr 2011
    Publication statusPublished - 2011

    Bibliographical note

    embargoed until 08-03-2016


    • near infrared spectroscopy
    • NIR sorting technology
    • applications
    • commercial waste
    • sorting analysis
    • waste recycling
    • separated recyclable fractions
    • market analysis
    • secondary raw materials
    • waste paper
    • waste plastic
    • mixed paper

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