Suprasubduction ophiolite (SSZ) components in a middle to lower upper Jurassic Hallstatt Mélange in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Raucherschober/Schafkogel area)

Sebastian Drvoderic, Hans-Jürgen Gawlick, Hisashi Suzuki, Felix Schlagintweit

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The Northern Calcareous Alps in the Western Tethys realm were affected in Middle to Late Jurassic times by a mountain building process triggered by ophiolite obduction similar to that in the Inner Western Carpathians or Inner Dinarides. In contrast to these other mountain ranges, in the Northern Calcareous Alps the obducted ophiolites or ophiolite derived components in the Bathonian-Oxfordian mélanges are missing. Cr-spinels in Kimmeridgian basinal deposits are the oldest known relics of a Jurassic ophiolite obduction. This study reveals new data from a newly detected Hallstatt Mélange below the Late Jurassic Plassen Platform in the southeastern Northern Calcareous Alps (Raucherschober/Schafkogel area). Upper Triassic Hallstatt Limestone blocks from the former distal northwestern continental margin of the Neo-Tethys Ocean, as well as ophiolite and radiolarite blocks from the Neo-Tethys Ocean floor rest within an upper Middle to lower Upper Jurassic radiolaritic-argillaceous matrix. Ophiolitic blocks show calc-alkaline volcanic arc affinity, defining the rocks as the product of intra-oceanic subduction and the formation of an early arc during stacking of the oceanic crust. Resedimented ribbon radiolarite blocks deposited above the newly formed suprasubduction (SSZ) ophiolites in the Neo-Tethys Ocean east of the island arc have a Middle Jurassic age. Later, at a time of decreasing tectonic activity, the Hallstatt Mélange was sealed by the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian Plassen Carbonate Platform, showing a shallowing-upward trend.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100174
Number of pages21
JournalGeosystems and Geoenvironment
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jan 2023

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