Tensorial Fracture-Matrix Ensemble Relative Permeabilities in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Evidence from Discrete Fracture and Matrix Simulations

Mohammadhossein Sedaghat, Stephan K. Matthäi, Siroos Azizmohammadi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


The prediction of water breakthrough and oil recovery for naturally fractured reservoirs (NFRs) cannot be performed accurately without dynamic upscaled relative permeability functions. Relative permeability is commonly assumed to be a scalar quantity, although a justification for NFRs has yet to be presented. In this study, we show how accurate this assumption is for fracture-matrix ensemble relative permeabilities determined by numeric simulations of unsteady-state core flooding.
Numerical determination of relative permeability requires a realistic flow model, a spatially adaptive simulation approach and a sophisticated analysis procedure. To fulfil these requirements, we apply discrete fracture and matrix (DFM) modelling to well characterized hm-km outcrop analogues. These are parametrized with aperture, permeability, and capillary pressure data. Fracture attributes are allowed to vary from segment to segment, trying to emulate in situ conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Feb 2018
EventThird EAGE Workshop on Naturally Fractured Reservoirs - Muscat, Oman, Muscat, Oman
Duration: 5 Feb 20187 Feb 2018


WorkshopThird EAGE Workshop on Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
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