The Knowledge Based Economy Approach - Wissensmanagement in projektintensiven Organisationen am Beispiel der OMV E&P

Translated title of the contribution: The Knowledge Based Economy Approach - Knowledge Management in project-intensive enterprises using the example of OMV E&P

Herwig Kohla

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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Knowledge is THE resource of the 21st century and the most important factor of success in a competitive business environment. Nevertheless, if these statements are correct, now, after almost twenty years of an intensive floating scientific discussion a huge number of proper and feasible models and tools must be in place and extensively used by an increasing community of users. Knowledge Management must be on top of management disciplines and a mandatory factor in steering companies. Indeed, the euphoria of the late 90ies is gone, Knowledge Management did simply not delivered what management expected – KM is not a stand-alone technical solution based on information technology, the possibility to store data is not equal to the ability generating knowledge for a company. It is obvious that the scientific discussion stuck in middle – the are no new knowledge management models available, the is no process of evolution. The doctoral thesis is an attempt to leave common paths of discussion and observations it is try in finding new interpretations as well as practical models of knowledge management – it is not an attempt in getting rid of all common KM models in place it an evolution of starting thinking KM from scratch.
Translated title of the contributionThe Knowledge Based Economy Approach - Knowledge Management in project-intensive enterprises using the example of OMV E&P
Original languageGerman
  • Matzler, Kurt, Assessor B (external), External person
  • Biedermann, Hubert, Assessor A (internal)
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Bibliographical note

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  • Knowledge Management
  • Game theory
  • Knowledge Based Economy
  • Organizational Culture

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