Untersuchungen zu betrieblichen Emissionen - Im Bereich des aktuellen Abbaus und der geplanten Abbauerweiterungsbereiche des Steinbruchs der Firma Jura Cement in Wildegg

Translated title of the contribution: Studies on emissions - In the area of the current mining operations and the planned expansion area of the quarry from Jura Cement in Wildegg

Eva Brodtrager

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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Since the quarry of Jura Cement Fabriken in Wildegg is located in a short distance to the surrounding residential areas, low drilling and blasting emissions have to be ensured. The work focuses on the study and analysis, forecasting and optimization of blasting vibrations, because they represent a particularly critical factor. The objective of vibration analysis is the increase of knowledge about the relationship and impact strength of various parameters on the blasting vibrations. This knowledge improves the predictability of ground vibrations and allows recognizing and using of the optimization potential. In this paper, a prediction formula is created on the basis of current blasting vibrations. Using this formula forecast ranges in the future expansion areas were identified in which the critical value cannot be met. In order to ensure the extraction in these areas drilling and blasting must be optimized or an alternative mechanical extraction method may be used. In this work, numerous optimization possibilities for the reduction of blasting vibration are discussed and assessed for their possible use. The considered mechanical methods, which are based on ripping, require a change of the extraction planning. Nevertheless have both mechanical methods advantages and can be applied in the critical areas. In addition the sound emissions that occur by blasting are analysed. Sound waves whose frequency is below 16Hz are felt bothersome and often confused with ground vibration.
Translated title of the contributionStudies on emissions - In the area of the current mining operations and the planned expansion area of the quarry from Jura Cement in Wildegg
Original languageGerman
  • Moser, Peter, Supervisor (internal)
Award date27 Mar 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 23-01-2020


  • blasting emissions
  • blast vibrations
  • mechanical extraction

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